Abrasive Powder
Metalson Incorporated Company is the only distributor of abrasive powder produced by leading plants of Russia: Uraz Grit and PromResurs Ecologiya, in the territory of Azerbaijan.
Abrasive powder is known in various branches of industry as copperslag, mickelslag, mineral shot, abrasive grit, etc.
Abrasive powder is intended for blast cleaning of the following surfaces:
metallic: old coating removal, descaling, derusting and surface preparation before the application of protective coating;
brickwork, concrete and stone surfaces: removal of destroyed and defrosted areas during the renovation and before the painting and sanding the floor.
Surface treatment with abrasive powder is carried out by sandblasting, hydroabrasive or flame-abrasive method.
In accordance with the required technique of application of protective coating made by foreign manufacturers as well as by some Russian manufacturers, the surface should be treated by the abrasive-jet method using the abrasive powder.When treating the surface with abrasive powder, a number of manufacturers gives 10-year warranty on their coatings and on some of coatings even 20-year warranty.
Abrasive powder consumption is 3-4 times less and capacity is 3-4 times higher than those of silica sand. Use of abrasive powder reduces considerably the time of anti-corrosion works providing thereby not only material but also labour saving.
When hitting the treated surface, silica sand particles produce great volume of fine dust 15-30 microns in diameter which not only contaminates the work space but also clogs up peaks of the surface covered by silica sand particles for 70-85%. Removal of these particles requires time-consuming operations for dust elimination (high-pressure washing-off) which in turn implies excessive costs and time consumption. Failure to perform such operations results in formation of gaps between the coating and treated surface due to which metal begins to corrode, and 2-3 years after the anticorrosive coat peels off. Use of abrasive powder eliminates this problem, as its grains structure and diameter prevents dust production hitting the treated surface.Conducted tests have proved that the surface treated by sandblast cleaning using abrasive powder is covered by fine particles of abrasive powder only for 15-20%, and these particles are easily removable with brushes or blasting.
Abrasive powder is packed in soft one-ton containers MKR 1 (big bag) with polyethylene liners. Moistureproof packaging makes it possible to store abrasive powder out of doors including in adverse weather conditions (rain, snow, etc.) without detriment to its properties.